What is Contraception?
Contraception or birth control are methods or devices that are used to prevent pregnancy. Pregnancy can occur when a sperm can fertilize an egg and that fertilized egg successfully implants in the uterine wall. Contraceptive methods prevent that from happening. They also reduce the risk of getting sexually transmitted infections, although not all contraceptives prevent STIs. There are several types of contraceptive methods and using one over another will depend on your individual needs and preferences.

Non-Hormonal Contraception
Non-hormonal contraceptive methods prevent pregnancy without hormones. They work by creating a barrier between the sperm and the egg or an unfriendly environment for the sperm to survive. There are different types of non-hormonal contraceptives, the most common ones used in Canada include:
- Male Condoms
- Female Condoms
- Diaphragm
- Copper IUDs

Male Condoms or external condoms are worn over the penis. Condoms must be put on an erect (hard) penis before sex begins and can only be used one time. Condoms are usually made of latex, but non-latex condoms (polyisoprene or polyurethane) are also available.
Condoms act as a physical barrier to stop sperm and body fluids from passing between the penis and vagina. Condoms used with other types of contraception give the best protection against pregnancy. If a condom breaks, slips, or leaks, you should consider emergency contraception.

Female Condoms or internal condoms are a sleeve with two flexible rings; the internal ring is placed inside the vagina and the outer ring sits outside the vagina. It acts as a physical barrier to stop sperm and body fluids from passing between the penis and vagina. It can be inserted up to 8 hours before sex.

Diaphragm is a soft silicone cap that is placed inside the vagina and covers the cervix (lower end of the uterus) to prevent sperm from travelling inside. Diaphragms can be prescribed by a doctor or bought at some pharmacies. Diaphragms are to be used in combination with spermicides (gels, creams, foam) to kill sperms, which can be difficult to access in Canada. The diaphragm can be inserted up to two hours before sex but should be left inside for at least six hours after sex.

Copper IUDs are T-shaped devices made of copper, that are inserted into the uterus by a healthcare provider. The copper from the IUD creates an unfriendly environment for the sperm, making it difficult to travel to the egg and survive. Copper IUDs can remain in place for 3 to 10 years (depending on brand) and are 99.9% effective.

- Hormonal Contraception
- Vaginal Ring
- Contraceptive Patch
- Contraceptive Oral Pills
- Hormonal Intrauterine Devices (IUD)
Hormonal Contraception
Hormonal methods of contraception involve the use of artificial hormones to influence the female reproductive cycle. Hormones (estrogen and progestin) mimic the body's natural hormones to stop the ovaries from releasing an egg. Hormonal methods include the pill, patch, ring, and injection, as well as hormonal IUDs. Hormonal contraception does not protect against STIs.

Vaginal ring is a soft flexible transparent ring that is inserted into the vagina. It contains two hormones (estrogen and progesterone) and remains in place for three weeks followed by a one-week break (menstrual period). A new ring needs to be put in after one month. The ring stays in all the time – including during sex.

Contraceptive Patch is a small square patch that sticks to your skin. It continuously releases estrogen and progesterone (hormones) into the body preventing pregnancy in a similar way as the pill. The patch needs to be changed every week at the same time each week. After 3 weeks of wearing patches, you take a one-week break (menstrual period). The patch can be applied on the skin of the buttocks, upper arms, back, or stomach.

Contraceptive Oral Pills are medications that contain hormones. There are two types: one that contains estrogen and progesterone (combined pill) and one that contains only progesterone (progestin). These pills stop the ovaries from releasing an egg, thick cervical mucus, and make fertilization and implantation difficult. Pills are taken every day at the same time. Some people may get side effects from the pill. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about how to take your pills.

Hormonal Intrauterine Devices (IUD)
Hormonal Intrauterine Devices (IUD) are T-shaped devices that are inserted in the uterus by a healthcare provider. It contains one hormone (progestin) that is slowly and continuously released. The IUD and progestin create an unfriendly environment for the sperm, thicken cervical mucus and thin the lining of the uterus, making fertilization difficult. Hormonal IUDs can work and stay inside for 3 - 7 years. It may prevent menstruation from occurring and can reduce menstrual symptoms. It is reversible and can be removed at any time.

Is “Pulling Out” Effective?
There are a few natural or traditional methods of contraception that some people like to use. From fertility awareness methods to abstinence, there are ways to prevent pregnancy. One way is withdrawal or “pulling out”. This is when the penis is pulled out of the vagina before ejaculating ("cumming"). It can be difficult to practice and may not be very effective as it requires control and caution. 1 in 5 individuals who use withdrawal method as their main contraception method get pregnant every year (78% effective).
What is Emergency Contraception?
Emergency Contraception can be used to help prevent pregnancy with unprotected sex, when a condom breaks/slips, leaks, or when a regular method of contraception was forgotten or used incorrectly. There are two types of emergency contraception: 1) A pill (often called “the morning-after pill”) and 2) a Copper IUD. The pill contains the hormone progestin, which can prevent pregnancy when taken up to five days after unprotected sexual activity.
Emergency contraception pills should be taken as soon as possible. This pill should only be taken as an emergency contraceptive method and not for regular use. Some emergency contraception pills are available at the pharmacy without a prescription. Sometimes, a Copper IUD can be inserted by a healthcare provider after seven days of unprotected sexual activity. This is more effective at preventing pregnancy. It can then be left inside for long-term regular contraceptive purposes.